Is staking, futarchy, and prediction markets very similar in context? This is a story about utilizing The wisdom of crowds to make predictions, which seems to be a different approach from staking, futarchy, and prediction markets. It seems to be related to DeCartographyblu3mo.icon, which was mentioned in a workshop on Effective Altruismblu3mo.icon. Indeed, I am currently reading The Effective Altruism Handbook - EA Forum with a time lag Previous companies, interviews and appearances related to oneself.icon. So, this is about gathering "genius forecasters"? Previous companies, interviews and appearances related to oneself.icon
One of the findings from Tetlock's Good Judgment Project is that cognitive and personality traits are more important than professional knowledge in predicting the outcomes of various world events more accurately than general information agencies. 14 In particular, a 2015 study found that the main predictors of forecasting accuracy were "cognitive ability IQ, political knowledge, and openness of personality." [15 Superforecasters were "excellent at inductive reasoning, pattern detection, cognitive flexibility, and open-minded thinking." In the Good Judgment Project, superforecasters "scored high on both intelligence and political knowledge" compared to a group of forecasters who were already well above average in the competition. [16 I have a friend who played AICEVOTE, which seems to be quite similar. LOOK ON Strictly speaking, it just follows the on-chain transaction history, so there is no obligation to pay the copy source, and with existing copy trading, the copy source is limited to registered exchange users, but with on-chain, it can be borderless and analyzed and listed on LOCKON. I really think it's smart.